We already know Ciara Renée will be taking flight as Hawkgirl on the time travel limited series ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ which connects to The CW’s established super hero hits ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash,’ but she won’t be the only Winged Wonder in sight.  Her counterpart Hawkman will also popping up on ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash’.  (No word on which show he will appear on first.)

In the comics, Hawkman and Hawkgirl were lovers in ancient Egypt who were murdered only to be reincarnated and reunited in subsequent lives.  In modern times, they are Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders, but that’s where things got complicated, which will be touched on in the TV shows.

Here is his description:

“Described as charismatic and wise beyond his years, Hawkman is a natural-born leader with an abundance of charm and confidence—well, that’s because he’s 5,000 years old. Much like the comic book iteration, Carter retains his memories of his past lives each time he is reborn, though his lover (aka Hawkgirl) is born anew. In other words, Kendra Saunders will have no idea who he is at first.”

In addition to this star-crossed romance, Hawkman occupies a juicy spot in the super hero population, perfectly suited for these shows.  The conservative Hawkman is a space policeman, thus has a hard edged, no-nonsense view on crime and punishment, which constantly puts him at odds with the liberal Green Arrow.  He is also best friends with The Atom, Ray Palmer, who on TV is played by Brandon Routh and will be teamed with Hawkgirl on ‘Legends.’

In addition, Hawkman has been a regular member of both the modern Justice League and even the World war II-era Justice Society of America, alongside Jay Garrick, the original Flash, played by Teddy Sears, who we know will be featured on Season Two of ‘The Flash’.

There’s no word on whether Hawkman and Garrick will meet, but Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin Snow revealed that Garrick is “going to have an impact on everybody on Team Flash.  He’s going to be a very cool mentor to Barry and he’s going to help Barry expand his powers and the things that he’s capable of doing.”

This sounds in keeping with his depiction in modern comics, although it appears at this point, that ‘The Flash’ might be delving into the concept of a multiverse, placing the two Flashes in different dimensions.

Meanwhile, executive producer Marc Guggenheim discussed another member of the ‘Legends of Tomorrow’, the last-we-checked dead Sara Lance, who originated as The Canary on ‘Arrow’ and has been depicted as The White Canary in promos for ‘Legends.’  “Sara needs to not be dead,” Guggenheim revealed, “[Malcolm Merlyn]’s got a strong point of view on [that]… It’s going to be handled head-on. We’re doing a really great episode that really tackles the question of Sara, death and resurrection. On ‘Arrow’, nothing is easy, so it’s not as simple as dumping her in the [Lazarus Pit].”

Are you excited to see the ‘Arrow’/’Flash’-verse exploding with DC characters and history?  Or is it getting to be too much?  Would you rather see these shows stay smaller and focus more on the existing cast?  Comment below!

Source: Entertainment Weekly