Marvel Studios is expanding their television presence in a big way in 2015. Not only will the second season of ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ and newcomer ‘Agent Carter’ be airing on ABC, but ‘Daredevil’ will be the first of four Netflix shows set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well. With the streaming service gearing up to assemble the Man Without Fear with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist to form the Defenders in their very own mini-series, there will be no shortage of Marvel heroes on the small screen. But what exactly will these shows be like? A few hints have been dropped in the latest issue of Empire Magazine.
In an interview with Empire Magazine, Netflix Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos shared some details pertaining to these upcoming binge-friendly shows. First, he explained why the company chose these particular characters for the House of Ideas’ foray into this evolving distribution strategy:
“It was really based on the theatrical model of The Avengers. Could you take another group of characters, The Defenders, and go about it the same way? Normally they do the big movie and then eventually they get to the group origin story. Having 13 hours to tell each of these stories, you can go right to the origin story and the action at the same time.”
Then, the CCO may have inadvertently divulged what the next step is after we’re taken to Hell’s Kitchen to meet blind hero/superhero Matt Murdock:
“Right now, the writers’ rooms are open and they’re looking at casting Jessica. If you sense some hesitation in my voice, that’s classic Marvel fashion. They like to keep that veil of secrecy. But Daredevil is already shooting, since that’s out first. Eventually the series will run very close together. You can then have a separate season where the characters will cross over.”
Finally, after saying that their team crossing over with the movies has been discussed, Sarandos revealed that these shows could venture into darker territory than we’ve seen before from Marvel:
“The series will not be afraid to go darker than the film did. What we love about this particular set of heroes is that they’re a little more down to Earth. Costume wise and also in that these are gritty crime stories, more in the streets than in the clouds.”
We’ve heard before that the Netflix shows would be dealing with a darker subject matter, but that costume remark is something pretty interesting that we haven’t heard before. Luke and Jessica’s costumes are basically regular street clothes (unless she’s suiting up as Jewel), but what does this mean for Danny Rand and ol’ Hornhead? Will their uniforms evolve from the spandex that we’ve seen over the years? I for one am very curious to find out.
What do you think about the Netflix CCO’s comments on their upcoming Marvel shows? Do you have any picks to play Jessica Jones? While we’re on the subject, what about the rest of the Defenders? And what are your thoughts on “more down to Earth” costumes for these four heroes? Sound off in the comments below.
Source: Empire Magazine via Comic Book Movie