The CW is reviving ‘Tales From The Darkside’, the classic eighties horror anthology show created by zombie maven George A. Romero. The series followed in the footsteps of earlier shows like ‘The Twilight Zone’ featuring separate stand-alone stories each week, with a different cast and a surprise twist ending. Horror is emerging as a viable brand on television of late, with the highest rated show being ‘The Walking Dead’ on AMC, as well as hits like ‘American Horror Story’, ‘Bates Motel’, ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Dracula’ making waves.
The show will be written by Joe Hill, the son of Stephen King, who pens the comic book ‘Locke and Key‘ and at one point was developing that comic to be a TV series with executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The same producing duo are attached to ‘Tales From The Darkside’ and will mark their second project in development, spy adventure series, for the CW network. The executive producers of the original series, Mitch Galin, Heather Kadin and Jerry Golod, are also on hand for the revival.
The original series consisted of 90 episodes over the course of four seasons beginning in 1984. The new.. series should begin in the summer of 2014.
Considering that ‘American Horror Story’ — produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk– reboots every season with a completely new storyline, are audiences ready for a show that reinvents itself every week? It’s been a while since this sort of TV show aired, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see if modern audiences will embrace a series where every episode stands alone and there is not an over-reaching story line.
What do you think? Were you a fan of the original series? Would you tune in to a rebooted version? And what would you like to see on this program?
Source THR