Its been almost a full decade since DC Direct rebranded itself as DC Collectibles, but now they’re coming full circle and reclaiming the…

- Avengers
- Batman
- Black Panther
- Captain America
- Collectables
- Comic Books
- Conventions
- DC
- Deadpool
- Disney
- Godzilla
- Green Lantern
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Horror
- Iron Man
- Justice League
- Marvel
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- Spider-Man
- Star Wars
- Superman
- Teen Titans
- The Flash
- The Flash
- Thor
- Toy News Tuesday
- Toys & Games
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- Valiant Comics
- Video Games
- Westworld
- Wonder Woman
- X-Men
Hello one and all! We are proud to once again welcome you to an all-new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column…

- Ant-Man and the Wasp
- Aquaman
- Arrow
- Avengers
- Batman
- Black Panther
- Captain America
- Captain Marvel
- Collectables
- Comic Books
- Conventions
- DC
- Deadpool
- Green Lantern
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Iron Man
- Justice League
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Marvel
- Movies
- Spider-Man
- Supergirl
- Superman
- Teen Titans
- The Flash
- The Flash
- Thor
- Toys & Games
- TV/Streaming Media
- Venom
- Wonder Woman
- X-Men
Superheroes and comic books are the lifeblood of current popular culture, and our friends at Diamond Select Toys have been in the game…