Amazon Prime Video has officially greenlit ‘Paper Girls’, a sci-fi adventure series based on the Image Comic book by written by Brian K.…
This series gets even geekier this issue as Barbara Gordon continues to restart her life. She’s not in as dire straits as Black…
TwoMorrows Publishing has just released volume twenty-nine in its Modern Masters series, which delves in depth into the work of the most respected…
Things are falling apart as First Born has driven Apollo, who had usurped Olympus for himself, to commit “suicide” rather than give over…
Dionysus has lured Zola and her son Zeke to a French chateau where they are assaulted by a minotaur in the service of…
I… just realized, and maybe this has been there for a while, maybe from the beginning, but I just realized that the “bondage”/’S&M”…
Cassandra is determined to find her brother First Born, but she may be too late, as he is in the possession of Apollo…
As you can see from this cover, Strife returns, and while she is certainly plotting something– she oozes with false sincerity– she never…
This issue focuses on the “round table” of gods as they gather, following the death of Ares, or as they call him “War.” …
Another chapter closes for Wonder Woman, as she loses another cast member in her “family’s” last stand against First Born. (It’s not really…
Last issue, Wonder Woman and her allies barely escaped the clutches of First Born, the first of Zeus’ demigod bastard children… well, one…
In ‘Wonder Woman’ #21, Cassandra and the First Born arrive in London, but when they confront Diana’s “family”, Zola flees the scene, carrying…
Apollo and the other children of Zeus refuse to give up their quest, believing that Zola’s child will indeed murder one of them…
With this issue of Wonder Woman, we finally get to the climax of the Zola’s baby epic, as Diana– aided by Ares the…