When ‘Star Trek: Picard’ launches, Jean-Luc Picard is no longer the captain of the Enterprise but instead, he is the captain of his family’s vineyard in France. As an ex-Starfleet officer, it should be no surprise that the chain of command is still important to Picard, and we’ll be introduced to his new Number One.
I’m sure you’ll find that the similarities between Riker and his replacement are striking.
Thanks to TV Insider, we’ve learned that this new member of Picard’s family is just as lethal as he is cute and you can check him out in the video below:
Clearly, Jean-Luc is letting his new first officer get away with disobeying orders.
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It remains to be seen if Number One will be joining Picard on his new adventure in space. While I suspect that he’ll be leaving the pup behind to help keep his vineyard safe, the writers better not have given him the ‘John Wick’ treatment or else audiences will be less than thrilled.
Assuming Number One does get left behind, let’s hope he’ll still pop up either later in the first season or the already announced second season of this new “Star Trek” series.
When Alex Kurtzman was originally talking about revisiting Picard, he stated:
“It was terribly important to us that he remains fundamentally Picard. You will not see a version that betrays the man we loved from Next Generation. We’re not doing that. But we wanted to put a character with that level of morality and leadership and who always does the right thing no matter how hard the circumstances … we wanted to put that to the test.”
It is going to be easy to show us the love and morality of a man who is taking care of his dog and possibly show some of how Picard has grown bitter with how he deals with the people he comes across in this new journey.
What do you think of the new footage of Number One? Will you be tuning in to check out ‘Star Trek: Picard’ when the series premieres later this year? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
‘Star Trek: Picard’ will beam onto your favorite streaming device through CBS All Access on January 23rd, 2020!