
We’ve been wanting to know more about the man on the throne for the New Order that was introduced in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ and have now learned prior to ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘ is released that Supreme Leader Snoke isn’t a Sith!

Actor Andy Serkis does share a few details which does show that the man is a Force user for the Dark Side but that isn’t exactly what he is. Outside of a completely new type of Dark Force user, this could also hint that Snoke was an Inquisitor from ‘Star Wars Rebels’ or perhaps even the Grand Inquisitor.

While tall and skinny in the cartoon, after losing a large enough battle he may have evolved into the man on the throne which we’ve seen today. While this might not be a big reveal for those who are unfamiliar with ‘Star Wars Rebels’ it is something that could still work.

As to how Smoke is as a person, actor Andy Serkis fills in a few gaps:

“Snoke is bloody dark; way darker than Palpatine. He’s riddled with this osteoporosis so his body’s twisted, like a corkscrew. He’s incredibly damaged, so there’s a bizarre vulnerability about him. Beneath that vulnerability, though, is this intense hatred.”

If Snoke was the Grand Inquisitor who loved the Empire and felt that Palpatine was the cause of its downfall, it might fit as to why he would be darker. The love of luxuries is the only part that doesn’t feel to shine through from ‘Star Wars Rebels’ as we never saw that hinted at.

However, as to him not being a Sith which helps bring about the idea of Snoke having once been in Inquisitor:

“He’s definitely not a Sith, but he’s certainly at the darker end of the Force. Without giving too much away, that begins to unfold a little in this one.”

That doesn’t really cement the theory in stone but it does seem to cancel out the idea of Snoke being Darth Plagueis. Palpatine often mentioned that he had conquered death which is why it might seem that he could come back, however, he was a Sith and as we’ve just learned Snoke isn’t.

What kind of Dark Force user do you think that Supreme Leader Snoke is going to end up being? Do you think it likely that he could end up as The Grand Inquisitor? Share your thoughts below!

Source: Empire Online