This is a good week for sci-fi fans! Yesterday Paramount pictures released a teaser poster for the film ‘Star Trek into Darkness’ and now Warner Bros has followed suit and released their teaser poster for the Zack Snyder directed film ‘Man of Steel.’

Just as they promised, Warner Bros offered fans an exclusive reward if they shared a Facebook post regarding the ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Blu-ray/DVD release. The reward was a poster showing the Man of Steel in handcuffs.

Whether this is from a scene in the film or just a promotional image, the poster does invoke some questions and expectations about the film. Gritty must be the buzz word among the studios as that’s the word used to describe the re-imaging of this Superman origin story.

‘Man of Steel’ is hoping to re-launch the franchise by taking a page out of Christoper Nolan’s ‘Dark Knight’ book (which isn’t a surprise as Nolan is executive producing the film) and retell the origin story of Superman in a realistic manner up until the time he becomes a journalist for the Daily Planet.

In an interview with Details, lead actor, Henry Cavill, describes the Snyder’s superhero as a more “naturalistic Superman:”

“The theme now is realism. We see so much on the news that’s gruesome, to put Superman in the realm of fantasy, people won’t buy it. And you want people to believe the story you’re selling… I don’t mean anything against the movies and TV shows that have come before, because they were of their time, but this is epically cool. People in the past have criticized the character for being a bit chocolate-box, a bit vanilla, and this is not that—at all. The lore is there that we’re drawing from, but to create something from that which is reflective of life today—that’s the trick.”

The teaser trailers didn’t give much away about the film so it looks like we’ll all have to wait until the official trailer is released. Luckily we won’t have to wait too long as the trailer will be shown before the screenings of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ which premieres on December 14th.  If you don’t plan on seeing the film, don’t worry. As soon as it comes online, we’ll have it for you to see!

Besides the fact that Superman (Cavill) somehow becomes a wanted man to be placed in handcuffs (which he could easily escape from), we also know that Diane Lane and Kevin Costner will play his parents (John and Martha Kent), Russell Crowe will play his Kryptonian father Jor-El, Amy Adams will play plucky Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as editor of the Daily Planet Perry White and Michael Shannon will play the big baddie, General Zod.

Anyway, have a look at the poster below and tell us what you think of this new Superman re-image.

‘Man of Steel’ is coming to 3D, 2D and IMAX 3D theaters on June 14, 2013.