I think what surprises people more than the fact Touch has been cancelled is why Fox didn’t pull it off the air…
This week’s episode of Touch is brought to us by the number 3021. I have a lot of trouble watching this with interest,…
This week’s episode of Touch is brought to us by the number 2013-1026. The episode starts with Trevor and Martin talking about Lucy’s…
This week’s episode of Touch is brought to us by the number 948. After last week’s episode, I can say that I…
This week’s episode of Touch is brought to us by the number 0175. In case any of you were wondering, the recap for…
Today’s episode of Touch isn’t brought to us by any numbers, which should tell you that it’s going to be a little bit different…
This week’s episode is brought to us by the number 892. This is the point where I am willing to say outright that…
Today’s episode of Touch is brought to you by the number 8877. “Eye to Eye” start with a tantalizing hint of a future…
The episodes starts with Lucy and Martin staring at boxes in “their” living room that Lucy profess to being unable to open. We…
The A-Story (How Martin Saves Vikash’s Day, and Jake Makes a Very Talkative Friend): It’s a domestic scene that starts this episode…