As of the final few pages of ‘Green Lantern Corps’ #4, John Stewart and his crew were captives of the team known only…
‘Green Lantern’ #1 was a refreshing read. It got back to the basics of what it means to be a member of the…
Simply said, out of the three ‘Green Lantern’ books released so far for DC Comics New 52, ‘Green Lantern Corps’ had the best…
As the presence of super beings around the world continues to grow, the United Nations resolves to create a new a new super…
War of the ‘Green Lanterns Aftermath #1’ picks up immediately after the events of ‘Green Lantern #67’, as Hal Jordan is returned to…
The image to your left is the actual cover of War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath #1, but after reading Green Lantern #66,…
What do you do when you are wielding a weapon foreign to your nature and you have a giant sentient planet attacking you?…
The war rages on! Trapped in Sector 2000 at the haven known as the Green House, Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan are fighting…
The war rages on in Emerald Warriors #8! Returning from the Unknown Sector, Green Lanterns Guy Gardner, Kilowog and Arisia not only feel…