Happy New Year and welcome back once again for an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here…

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Come one, come all, for an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on ScienceFiction.com where we seek…
Every year during the holiday season, billions of people worldwide feel the frustration of trying to find the perfect gifts for the people…
From the pages of ‘Hellboy’ we’ve seen Abe Sapien grow as a character and into his own solo title. While things have been…
The latest issue of Abe Sapien has him starting a three issue story arc known as ‘To The Last Man’. One of the…
The tale continues with Abe Sapien trying to figure out who he really is, what his purpose is, and where he fits in…
We left off in Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible #2 with Abe still trying to find his own way. He’s been avoiding his…
Previously on Abe Sapien, Abe has returned from a hiatus in the world of B.P.R.D. although we don’t exactly know where hes been,…
We just completed the first run of the return of Hellboy to print and while that isn’t something that can be easily topped,…
Here is the list of new comics, trade paperbacks and more shipping 09/28/2011. As always check with your retailer for availability, as not…