Season 5 of ‘The Flash’ ended with the heartbreaking loss of Nora West-Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy) who was erased from existence when the timeline was rewritten. Expect Season 6 to deal directly with Barry and Iris coping with the loss of their future daughter.
As Candice Patton (Iris) said at SDCC:
“Season 6 picks up like 10 seconds after Season 5 so Barry and Iris are still dealing with the loss of Nora, it’s very raw, it’s very fresh. We see them very early on, Episode 1, really grappling with how to deal with the loss of Nora so they can move forward in a healthy way and deal with the upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths.”
On the upside, Carlos Valdes says that his character, Cisco Ramon, is “in a great place.” While attending Salt Lake’s FanX con, he stated:
“We find him in a great place, you know? Like we don’t want to see him miserable. So Cisco’s having the time of his life. He’s got a new girlfriend, Camila. He’s living his life. He’s definitely living his best life. I think maybe there’s a small part of him that, you know, misses some of the cool stuff about the powers. But I think right now, he’s very happy with where things are.”
As we know, all of the “Arrowverse” shows will be leading into the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover in December-January. This storyline has been set up since the very first episode of ‘The Flash’, but the big change is that these events are being moved up five years.
Cisco may want to enjoy his current happiness while he can, as showrunner Eric Wallace stated:
“It’s like stepping on a landmine. All of a sudden the future is today, and that turns everything upside-down. You’ll see each member of Team Flash react in their own unique, and sometimes tragic, way.”
As Grant Gustin previously stated:
“I can’t spoil too much because I haven’t read it yet. I’ve been teased a lot from our guys what it’s going to be. The Monitor shows up at the end of our first episode and says the universe is in jeopardy and in order to save the universe, Barry Allen has to die. And Barry Allen doesn’t know about this deal Oliver made with the Monitor, either, so someone’s gonna die.”
Considering that ‘Arrow’ is ending and ‘The Flash’ will go on, draw your own conclusions.
‘The Flash’ returns for its sixth season on Tuesday, October 8th at 8pm EST.
Source: ComicBook.com