Grant Gustin as The Flash

For fans of the CW’s Arrowverse, this year marks the culmination of a lot of storytelling for the massive universe the various series’ have been building up over the past few seasons, most especially for the ‘The Flash.’ Barry Allen’s adventures began in the shadow of an ominous warning from the future (by way of a newspaper article from the future) telling of the loss of the titular hero during a “Crisis” which should not have occurred for a good number of years yet. Recently changing of the timeline, however, have caused that event to happen much sooner than it should have, thus the impending ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ crossover event set to occur this fall. And while everyone is assuming that the Crisis will conclude with the death of Oliver Queen, mainly due to the Monitor returning at the end of the last season of ‘Arrow‘ to collect Oliver to fulfill his deal and tell him he will die, (plus the fact that ‘Arrow’ is having a final season run this fall), it seems he is not the only hero who is on the chopping block.


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While speaking to recently, ‘The Flash’ star Grant Gustin revealed:

“I can’t spoil too too much because I haven’t read it yet. I’ve been teased a lot from our guys what it’s going to be. The Monitor shows up at the end of our first episode and says the universe is in jeopardy and in order to save the universe, Barry Allen has to die. And Barry Allen doesn’t know about this deal Oliver made with the Monitor, either, so someone’s gonna die.”

Of course, the notion that Barry Allen might deal is most likely just a red herring to throw off any fans not paying attention to ‘Arrow,’ and make sure Oliver’s death is not written in stone leading up to the crossover, but you never know… That newspaper article was always about Barry Allen.

It would be interesting if the Arrowverse producers did something completely unexpected at this point since everyone is going into the Crisis with the notion that Oliver is going to die. It would be heart-breaking to see Barry Allen die, but the show is called ‘The Flash,’ and there are other Speedster heroes we have been introduced to, including Kid-Flash Wally West who becomes ‘The Flash’ in the comics when Barry Allen disappears, and who could step in and keep the show going if Barry Allen were to disappear. Unlikely I know, but I would be impressed if they went in a direction like that.

What are your thoughts on the idea that it might not be Oliver Queen who dies at the end of the Crisis to save the multiverse? Do you think there’s any chance it could be Barry Allen after all? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!