This has been building for a while now, despite Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige attesting a little over a week ago that “It’s a question of when” in regard to the ‘Inhumans’ movie. The film was announced as part of Marvel’s Phase Three and should have followed ‘Doctor Strange’ into multiplexes. But this initial announcement came when Marvel Studios was still under the aegis of Marvel Entertainment and was, presumably created in a synergistic move to connect the films to the ABC TV series ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ But since Marvel Studios broke away from Marvel Entertainment, the desire to tie the TV and movie divisions together seems to have become less important.
Kevin FeigeDespite ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ building up the Inhumans as a major part of the show, it looks like Marvel Studios has officially dropped ‘Inhumans’ from its release slate. The movie was originally slated for release on November 2, 2018, but was then moved to July 12, 2019. Then it was delayed indefinitely and is now… poof! Gone.
In the meantime, Marvel Studios has announced a sequel to last year’s ‘Ant-Man’, ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ and has partnered with Sony for ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’, a move that Feige described as “a big joyous coup for us.”
Joe Robert Cole handed in a draft for an ‘Inhumans’ film, but is now no longer involved with the project and Vin Diesel, who voices Groot in the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ franchise lobbied hard to play Black Bolt, the leader of the Inhumans.
In the comics, Marvel positioned the Inhumans as a replacement for mutants, as 20th Century Fox has the film rights to all characters that fall under that category. They went so far as to recast longtime mutants Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as Inhumans. And, as mentioned, these beings have factored heavily on ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’
Reportedly, Feige was never in favor of the ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ TV show, which is why nothing from it has been mentioned in the films, including the resurrection of Agent Phil Coulson. It is also heavily reported that ‘Inhumans’ was conceived to bridge the TV and movie universes, something Feige is no longer concerned with now that Marvel Studios is independent of the TV branch.
Are you upset that Black Bolt, Medusa, and the rest aren’t coming to the big screen anytime soon? Or are you confident that Marvel will deliver with whatever they put out?
Source: /Film
Jason would just as soon see Medusa in an ‘A-Force’ movie. Follow him on Twitter.