When we found out that Phil Lord and Chris Miller (‘The Lego Movie’) were going to be working on the stand alone Han Solo ‘Star Wars’ film, we didn’t have much to go on. While we still don’t have a lot of details on the focus of the film, Miller did open up as to what the project has meant to the pair so far. With Lawrence Kasdan (‘Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back,’ ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’) and Jon Kasdan (‘The First Time,’ ‘In the land of Women’) working on the script, we at the very least know that the directing duo will have a very strong screenplay to work off of.
The approach the directors plan to take sounds solid when in an interview with IGN, Miller states:
“It’s a huge pressure. We always try and find something that’s gonna make us… give a fire to our bellies and do a really good job. And this feels like there’s a lot of pressure to not screw this up. So we’ve definitely got that motivation and then the rest of it is about trying to give audiences a fresh experience that doesn’t feel like you’re just trying to check off some checklist of beats that you’re expecting and make something that feels new and exciting for people, but at the same time honoring what was so great about that character.”
This is also another perfect example of how a director of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise is truly a fan as well. Thankfully this seems to be the trend with most of the directorial announcements that we’ve seen so far. Of course, most of the newer generation of directors would have grown up watching this beloved franchise.
“I could talk to you for a day about why he is the perfect blend of rogue-ish cowboy… Morally ambiguous, but has a clear moral compass. He’s funny, he’s off the cuff… When I was a kid on the playground, fights were about who got to play Han Solo. He’s just one of the best characters ever created.”
While it is again not much to go on, you can at least feel that excitement that Miller has for the project. With the rumored spoilerish fate of Han Solo in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens,’ this film will be extremely important to fans the world over.
Are you looking forward to the Han Solo ‘Star wars Anthology’ film? Who do you think should play Solo in it? Share your thoughts below!
This ‘Star Wars’ film is scheduled to be released on May 25th, 2018.
Source: IGN