The folks at Paramount really want you to get excited for ‘Terminator Genisys.’ In the past week they’ve released quite a few promotional videos. The latest group of TV spots was uploaded just a couple days ago to the ‘Terminator Genisys’ official YouTube channel and you can now watch them at your leisure. But really, you should watch them right now if you’re interested in the movie. I mean, they’re right here on this page you’re reading, why would you wait?
The first video of the three is titled ‘Non-Stop,’ which seems a pretty accurate title since it’s pretty much 30 seconds of non-stop action. I know it’s a cliche, but it fits. It’s also pretty badass to hear the classic description of a Terminator (“It can’t be bargained with…”) from a first-person perspective.
The second spot is titled ‘One of Them,’ and it’s probably the least action-packed of the three. It quickly explains the movie’s plot and that John Connor is not who we think he is. That’s not to say it doesn’t have its fair share of explosions, though.
The third and final video is simply titled “Forget,” and it encourages you to “forget everything you know.” This one is more of a blend of the other two, being full of action, but still giving some of the plot away. My favorite part of this one is how it ends with a pretty funny one-liner from Arnold. The delivery is just so deadpan it works brilliantly.
‘Terminator Genisys’ will be out in theaters on July 1st.
So, what did you think about the new TV spots? I thought they were pretty good. They certainly make me want to watch the movie to see if it can live up to the legacy of the originals or not. Are you excited to see the new ‘Terminator’ movie or not? Let us know what you think in the comments below.