With ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron‘ in full swing for production, it might be a bit early to be talking about rumors for ‘The Avengers 3‘ but the latest one has us not seeing our favorite heroes on the roster. That may seem a bit hard to take that we wouldn’t be seeing Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, and the rest in the third movie but there are some solid reasons behind this rumor that really make sense. It also is a riff on the idea of splitting the movie in two but really would just be a stepping stone to a larger film.
With Chris Evans set for ‘Captain America 3’ and one other movie, Robert Downy only having one more movie, and Chris Hemsworth’s contract also winding down you would think that they are going to be going out with a bang. Honestly, it sounds like they are too but just not in the way we were expecting. What it sounds like is that ‘The Avengers 3′ will actually be the springboard into the next set of The Avengers films that will most likely include Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, and whichever other characters have been given the spotlight by the time it rolls around.
This would be the perfect way to not only push The Avengers into the next roster but also expand the roster significantly for a huge crossover for an Infinity Gauntlet’ story line that would include two sets of Avengers, the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘, the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., or at least Mockingbird who is already in talks about showing up in a film, and possibly even The Defenders by that time. This isn’t set in stone but supposed insiders have been giving confirmation that we won’t see our original heroes all making appearances in ‘The Avengers 3.’
Do you think this is the right time to put in a transition film? Could this influx of characters be the right choice in order to properly lead up to an all out brawl with Thanos? Share your thoughts below true believers!
Source: Bad Ass Digest