Rumors have been circulating about the cast of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ since the movie was announced. We’ve heard some awesome rumors like Daniel Day-Lewis, Judi Dench, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Gary Oldman, but there have been some peculiar ones as well involving Ryan Gossling and Zac Efron. But now news has just broken about the first rumored name to actually receive an offer to appear in J.J. Abrams’ next film film.
After many months of speculation, we finally know of one person who will be starring in the upcoming space epic in a galaxy far, far away alongside R2-D2. According to The Hollywood Reporter, ‘Girls’ star Adam Driver is in final negotiations to star as the villain of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’. No details about the role are currently available, but the reports say that the deal is as good as signed at this point. Driver is said to be taking the role that ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ star Michael Fassbender and ‘Robocop’ star Joel Kinnaman both met for in the past.
Best known for his role in Lena Dunham’s HBO twenty-something tale, Driver has been building quite the resume on the big screen. After appearing in ‘J. Edgar’ in 2011, the actor has appeared in indie darling ‘Frances Ha’, presidential biopic ‘Lincoln’, and the Coen Brothers’ latest opus ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’, where he ironically sings a song with Justin Timberlake and Oscar Isaac about not wanting to go to space.
Once the deal is signed on the dotted line, it’ll be interesting to get the exact details about the role he’ll be playing. In the world of ‘Star Wars’, the antagonists are just as important and iconic as the heroes, so hopefully he’s up to the task of reaching the level of Boba Fett, Darth Maul, and Darth Vader.
What do you think about Adam Driver starring in ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’? Do you think that he’ll make a good villain? Let’s hear what you have to say in the comment section.