On The CW’s ‘Arrow’, Amanda Waller (Cynthia Addai-Robinson), the head of A.R.G.U.S., has begun forming the DC Comics villains-as-heroes team The Suicide Squad by first enlisting Bronze Tiger/Ben Turner (Michael Jai White). Here’s a first look at the full roster of the Squad, which includes Sean Maher as Shrapnel/Mark Sheffer, Michael Rowe as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton, Audrey Marie Anderson as Lyla Michaels and… cue record scratch! Diggle? What’s he doing there?
‘Arrow’ executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explains, “Dig was our way into Amanda Waller, and in this episode, Amanda comes to Dig and Lyla, and she recruits Dig for a mission, and tells him he’s going to need a team — and she saddles him with the Suicide Squad.” John Diggle, Oliver’s driver/partner is played by David Ramsey.
For the uninitiated, The Suicide Squad (created by John Ostrander) is a government-sponsored program in which convicted super villains shave time off their sentences by going on potentially lethal missions. Bronze Tiger and Deadshot are longtime members and Shrapnel joined a more recent incarnation.
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Are you excited to see the Suicide Squad hit Starling City? What could their mission? Will we actually get an episode that focuses on Diggle instead of Ollie? Comment below!
Source: CBR