If the measly few seconds of ‘The Avengers’ movie commercial during the Super Bowl wasn’t enough to satisfy you, then don’t fret as Marvel just released an extended cut of the spot online!
This trailer is very different from the theatrical trailer released in October as it shows more of the superheroes in glorious action. Lasting a little over a minute long, it solidifies the reason why this is on the top of many movie goer’s list of must see movies for this year.
‘The Avengers’ Super Bowl TV Spot:
‘The Avengers’ stars Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans (Captain America), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and will assemble at a theater near you on May 4, 2012.
Janice's first memories of the genre were of watching the original 'Star Trek' and classic 'Doctor Who' episodes (Tom Baker, aka the Fourth Doctor, was her first). Soon, she was introduced to 'Godzilla' and her addiction then spread to books, magazines, movies and comics. Janice continued as a closet geek as her thirst and love for sci-fi grew and was only second to her love of baking. Then one night, on a whim, she answered a tweet to be a writer for ScienceFiction.com and the geek girl insider her was soon set free. Within 3 years she became the Senior Editor for the site. When not writing or editing for ScienceFiction.com, Janice is scouring the internet to feed her sci-fi cravings while defending conspiracy theories, protecting scientific theorems and loving all things science fiction.... and baking cookies.