Another movie franchise is winding down but it looks like it’ll go out with a big box office bang. Deadline is reporting that this opening weekend’s box office take for ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I’ is expected to take in $125 million according to a source from Summit Entertainment, the film’s production company).

Most in the industry think that Summit is lowballing its figures. If you go by the buzz on Facebook and Twitter, it’s poised to earn much more. According to the data firm Fizzology, ‘Breaking Dawn’ should clear $140 million easy.  Fizzology predicts box office success based on the conversations on social networks and blogs. They pull feeds from Twitter, Facebook and search engines then have them analyzed each data piece to determine how anticipated a film is.

Every ‘Twilight’ movie has been a box office hit and has a history of breaking records on its opening day. According to Box Office Mojo, ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse’ hold the second and third spots respectively for all-time single opening day box office sales. They come behind ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.’

Tonight’s opening of ‘Breaking Dawn Part 1’ should be no different as many fans are anticipating seeing the wedding and the wedding night’s consummation between their beloved vampire groom and mortal bride. The previous ‘Twilight films have seen massive crowds on each of the opening nights of the films with many midnight showings selling out weeks in advance.

If you plan on being one of the many that are going to help break the box office records this weekend, you might have a hard time finding tickets as many ticket outlets and theaters are already reporting sold out screenings. Last week Fandango reported that 72% off this week’s tickets sales were for ‘Breaking Dawn’ alone and over 1000 show times have sold out. Theater owners are scrambling to see if they can add more show times to meet the demands.

So are you one of the many who will be helping ‘Breaking Dawn’ break records this weekend? If you are, make sure you stay until after the credits as Peter Facinelli (Dr. Cullen), gave a head’s up on Twitter today:

Here’s the trailer once more in case you somehow have not seen it yet: