Looks like ‘Ant-Man’ may be the Little Super Hero Movie That Could! Despite its #1 debut last week, it opened with the second…
Hello there one and all! Welcome to an all new edition of Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on…
If you haven’t been getting enough ‘Terminator: Genysis’ TV spots, then have no fear, because they keep on coming. The last few seem…
The fine folks over at Collider managed to snap an exclusive clip of the upcoming ‘Terminator Genisys’ movie. It’s a minute long and it’s…
Despite whatever negative press the film might be receiving over its attempts to rewrite the history of the original ‘Terminator’ series, it’s becoming…
On the most recent episode of ‘Meet the Movie Press,’ co-host Mark Reilly has been making his opinion known about ‘Terminator: Genisys,’ having…
In the latest headline concerning ‘Terminator: Genisys,’ it has been revealed to the public some of the reasoning/ ideas behind why Arnold Schwarzenegger…
It appears Paramount is doubling down on the ‘Terminator’ franchise, as they have procured release dates for 2 sequels, meaning they already have…