While Disney rolled out a new trailer for ‘Black Widow’ during the Super Bowl, Warner Brothers chose to advertise its upcoming superhero flick, ‘Wonder Woman 1984′ but… advertising Tide. In just one of a series of commercials for the new Tide Pods featuring Charlie Day (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’), the comedic actor comes face to face with Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) in the 1980s mall setting that has already been glimpsed in previous movie trailers. As Diana smacks around some criminals, she spots Day carrying his laundry (through a MALL?!) and tells him:
“We won’t be doing that today.”
You can watch that clip below:
Saving the world (again) > laundry #SuperBowl #SuperBowlLIV #laundrylater pic.twitter.com/SGac2t8g6l
— Tide (@tide) February 3, 2020
I have no idea what the idea behind this is. I get product tie-ins with movies and there have been some wacky ones in the past. (Is there any grocery store item that didn’t have a ‘Star Wars’ logo on it when ‘The Force Awakens’ came out?) But I don’t really get the connection between Wonder Woman and Tide. I mean… that costume does NOT look like it can go in the average washing machine. But I guess Tide Pods are as tough on stains as Wonder Woman is on crime. Ugh.
The follow-up to 2017’s World War I-set “Wonder Woman” visits Diana Prince (Gadot) in the ’80s, where she’s an undercover superhero keeping an eye on things and watching ancient artifacts in her day job at the Smithsonian. The first film was about the young heroine being introduced to the world, and in “1984,” “she knows the world so well, but she doesn’t know it as well as she thinks she does. She thinks she’s doing the right thing, but what happens in this movie surprises her,” director Patty Jenkins says. She wanted a classic Wonder Woman like she saw on the ’70s TV show “who’s at full strength, yet still is in the middle of her observations about the darkness of mankind.”
Directed by Patty Jenkins, ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ also stars Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, and Pedro Pascal, and opens on October 5.
Source: Tide