Twin Peaks

Newsweek reports that rumors of a new Twin Peaks season might be more than they seem.

Kyle McLaughlin, who plays the iconic Agent Dale Cooper, tweeted a classy photo with the caption, “Love this dapper suit, but definitely thinking about…donuts this morning,” with a thought bubble and donuts emoji.

Now, this might just seem like flirting, but Michael Horse, who plays Hawk, shared this image on Instagram shortly after:

So yeah. Look, The Return was divisive, but when isn’t this show creating rifts and destroying friendships, marriages? In my opinion, S3 is a masterpiece (still a bit bummed by that Audrey storyline, though). If you were frustrated by the agonizing pace of the Dougie saga, a rewatch almost completely erases that issue. Episode 8 is thrilling. That chilling last moment! I could go on.


RELATED:  Mark Frost And Showtime Are Thinking About A Fourth Season Of ‘Twin Peaks’


Sadly, much of the original cast has left this mortal coil. But knowing how David Lynch memorialized those people in S3 (a tender, unmatched feat, imo), I have complete faith in him and Frost.

I guess this means my hopes are up?