The Cast of 'Stranger Things'

They say there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing, but is there such a thing as too much of a Stranger Thing?  Well, the youthful antagonists are growing up quickly, and the show takes quite a while to make– there wasn’t a new season last year.  In the upcoming ‘Stranger Things 3’, Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin are graduating from middle school to high school.  Is it about time for these kids to hang up their adventuring hats?  The cast thinks so.

While attending the MTV Movie & TV Awards, Finn Wolfhard (Mike), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin), and Noah Schnapp (Will) hinted that ‘Stranger Things’ will likely end in the next couple of years, perhaps after one or two more seasons.


RELATED:  The Synopsis Is Out For ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3


For starters, Wolfhard expressed that the third season is the best yet.  “The Duffers have done so much for the characters in such an amazing way.  We’re biased, but we truly believe it’s a fantastic season.”

When MTV brought up the fan backlash against ‘Game of Thrones” recent eighth and final season, Schnapp replied, “They have a lot to go up against.”

Wolfhard quickly interjected, “And also, this may not be our last season.  We don’t know.”

When asked how long they expected ‘Stranger Things’ to last, Schnapp replied, “Probably like, five [seasons].”

Matarazzo stated:

“I think we should stop whenever the story feels like it needs to be completed.  I don’t think any story should be pushed. If there’s no more story, there’s no more story.”

But rest assured ‘Stranger Things 3′ is not the end of the adventure for this crew, as Wolfhard indicated that were the show to end, there would need to be at least one more batch of episodes to complete the story.

As he stated, “I think we only need one more to like, tie it all up. Either one or two more. At least one more to tie it all up.”  But Wolfhard isn’t spilling any secrets, because he doesn’t know any.  As he recalled, “Sometimes we’re like,’ It would be cool to have five seasons, and [the Duffer Brothers are] like, ‘We’re not telling you anything.'”

This is, however, in keeping with what the Duffers have said in the past about the duration of ‘Stranger Things’.

If you do want a bit of insight into the new episodes, in April, David Harbour, who plays Police Chief Jim Hopper revealed:

“You know, it’s a summer season and … I’ll tell you this: In some ways, it’s like the summer of love in Hawkins in various forms,” he said. “…It’s also got monsters and all kinds of stuff too, but in a lot of different ways I would characterize it as the ‘summer of love’ season.”

You can fall in love all over again when ‘Stranger Things 3’ is released on Netflix on July 4th.


Source: Entertainment Tonight