Nickelodeon Picture’s latest animated film, ‘Wonder Park’ is about to hit theaters in March, and to hype things up, the studio released a new extended trailer just prior to the Super Bowl. The story centers on a precocious young girl named June who creates a fictional theme park in her head… which spills over into the real world with some raucous consequences. But what if this park of her creation was real? She soon finds out!
She soon discovers the dilapidated remains of Wonder Park, but with the help of some wacky anthropomorphic animals, she attempts to restore the park to its former glory.
June, an optimistic, imaginative girl, discovers an incredible amusement park called Wonderland hidden in the woods. The park is full of fantastical rides and talking, funny animals – only the park is in disarray. June soon discovers the park came from her imagination and she’s the only one who can fix it, so she bands together with the animals to save this magical place and bring back the wonder in Wonderland.
‘Wonder Park’ features the voices of Brianna Denski, Jennifer Garner, Ken Hudson Campbell, Kenan Thompson, Mila Kunis, John Oliver, Ken Jeong, and Matthew Broderick, and opens on March 15.