‘Marvel Rising‘ – the latest multiplatform animated venture from Marvel Animation – has tasked itself with introducing audiences to a new generation of Marvel heroes. Among this new generation is a diverse assortment of characters who are nothing if not off the beaten track of Marveldom. One of the standout members of this ensemble is Squirrel Girl, the infamously oddball 1991 creation of writer Will Murray and legendary artist Steve Ditko.
While at New York Comic Con, we had the chance to speak with several of the ‘Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors’ cast and crew. Among them was Squirrel Girl herself, Milana Vayntrub. In the course of our chat, Vayntrub elaborated on her role in the film, demonstrated why she is such a uniquely good fit for the part, and more.
Check out the video below for the full interview!
Be sure to check back with ScienceFiction.com for more on ‘Marvel Rising’ and other Marvel Animation projects!