There are some very vocal complainers out there about how Luke Skywalker was handled in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘ and now Mark Hamill is sharing an interesting take about the end of his character’s journey in human form. We’re all pretty sure that he’ll be back as a Force Ghost in ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ but how exactly and what he’ll be up to is still shrouded in mystery. All we can do now is examine the existing films, comics, and books to get an idea for what is to come. Using a panel from the Marvel adaptation of the film, Hamill states an interesting view of Skywalker’s fate.
You can check out the tweet and panels from the comic right here:
THE FORCE KILLED LUKE. You have to acknowledge the irony in his fate.
Almost like an addict that kicked his habit cold-turkey, remained clean for decades, only to re-use just once & then, tragically, overdoses.#SadSkywalker #ForceFatality #JediJunkie— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) October 22, 2018
That is one very dark way to think of Luke Skywalker’s death!
It should also be noted that while not everyone was happy with how Skywalker died, it was likely one of the closest acts to being a Jedi which we’ve seen him perform through the entire series. It wasn’t just about using The Force but a way of life which Luke followed at the end of his path. Not only did he likely know that Force Projecting would probably cost him his life, but he also didn’t give in to hatred, fear, or anger. When confronting his nephew, Luke doesn’t ever put himself in a position where the two would physically fight one another or do anything to threaten another’s life.
Not only that, but since he did embrace The Force, it placed Luke in a position where he can return as a Force Ghost. It is unclear if that would have been possible had he passed away with his connection to it severed.
Do you agree with Mark Hamill that The Force took Luke’s life in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’? Is the drug comparison an accurate one? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: Mark Hamill’s Twitter Feed