Simon Kinberg

When it comes to ‘X-Men: The Last Stand‘, fans of the franchise were vastly polarized. While some enjoyed the new approach to Jean’s story, most didn’t like the non-cosmic way that it was handled and how quickly Cyclops was taken out of the picture. With that in mind, director Simon Kinberg not only apologized for what they did with the film but also promised that they’re going to give us a more comic-accurate take in ‘Dark Phoenix.’ While sharing that it was inspired a bit by ‘Thor: Ragnarok,’ of all films, the director also tried to stress that things are going to be a bit more true to the original story arc.

“I’m sorry for X-Men 3. We tried to tell the Dark Phoenix story, and we didn’t do it properly. So, with this Dark Phoenix story, there is no ‘cure’ plot, there is no other plot. It is the Dark Phoenix story, as told in comics, as told in the cartoons. Sophie is the center of the film, that’s why she’s the one person that’s in the teaser poster. The entire movie revolves around her. It’s a movie that goes into space and is cosmic, very much inspired actually by what [Taika] did with Thor — even though the tone is totally different — but just the ability to make a character movie that still feels grounded, and fun, but in whole other universes. Jessica Chastain’s character plays an alien, and that’s all I can tell you about that. But, yeah, it’s the Dark Phoenix story, and if you’ve read that comic, I think you’re going to like the movie a lot.”

It should be noted that Mastermind doesn’t appear to be in the film even though elements of the character will be present in Jessica Chastain’s role. With it unclear if she will be part of the Shi’Ar, there are multiple areas already being taken out of the mix that might leave some fans unhappy.

This will probably be the final chapter in the current ‘X-Men’ franchise as we’ll likely see Marvel Studios reboot the mutants when they get control over the property. I’m willing to give this the benefit of the doubt. While the trailer hasn’t hooked me, it also doesn’t look as bad as ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ was.

Are you glad that Simon Kinberg acknowledged what a poor job the studio did with ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’? Do you feel that ‘Dark Phoenix’ will redeem the franchise’s take on the characters and storyline? Share your thoughts in the comments below, True Believers!

‘Dark Phoenix’ will burst onto the big screen on June 7th, 2019!

Source: Entertainment Weekly