The cast of the ‘Charmed’ reboot coming to the CW wants fans of the original series to know that this is not a copy, it is a completely new show.
Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffery, Madeleine Mantock will play witch sisters Mel Vera, Maggie Vera, and Macy Vaughn. The three gave an interview while at San Diego Comic-Con where they revealed that while they’ve received a great deal of support, they want to assure fans that the reboot will not attempt to compete with the original. Mantock said:
“We’re new characters living in a world. It’s a new set of witches who’ve discovered they have powers. I think it’s maybe a misconception to say it’s a rip-off. I saw somebody yesterday describe it as a tribute to [the original] and I thought that was quite nice.”
The actresses also revealed that while they haven’t spoken to any of the original cast like Alyssa Milano or Shannen Doherty, they hope to in the future. Jeffrey said:
“Some of them have been vocal about giving support. Rose [McGowan] I know was [supportive].”
Mantock added:
“She said, ‘Fly girls fly’ and that was so kind of her to say that. It was really nice.”
While some of the original cast have been supportive, others have voiced their concerns about the reboot. Holly Marie Combs from the original ‘Charmed’ has taken to social media to complain that the reboot was “capitalizing” on the hard work she did on the original series. Mantock, Diaz, and Jeffreys are choosing to ignore all the negativity. Mantock said:
“Everyone’s allowed their own opinion and I think it’s testament to how much fans really love and cherished ‘Charmed’ for what it is. And there are lots of people who are really excited for it. So I’ve got my ears open to them and I’m hoping we can turn some people on to it as well because I do, I think it’s a really good show.”
The new ‘Charmed’ series will premiere on The CW Sunday, October 14, at 9 p.m. ET.