For a man who has worked in some of the largest genre franchises around, Christopher Eccleston sure isn’t happy with the work he has put out. Known for his run on ‘Doctor Who‘ as well as the subpar villain Malekith in ‘Thor: The Dark World‘ and Destro in ‘G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,‘ Eccleston hated working on the latter two genre films. Specifically, the actor felt like he was “a whore” for those movies.
“Working on something like GI Joe was horrendous. I just wanted to cut my throat every day. And Thor? Just a gun in your mouth. Gone in 60 Seconds was a good experience. Nic Cage is a gentleman and fantastic actor. But GI Joe and Thor were … I really paid for being a whore those times.”
Clearly, this likely isn’t the type of commentary which would quickly get him invited back to working on a Hollywood blockbuster, though that hardly seems a concern of his.
Do you feel that both of these parts could have been horrible enough to consider it a waste of his time or does he just not like doing genre work outside of the paycheck? Who would you like to have seen replace Eccleston as either Destro or Malekith had the chance come up? Share your thoughts below!
Source: The Guardian