If you’ve been looking forward to more details on Syfy’s upcoming ‘Krypton‘ series, then you’ll be happy to hear that we’ve got new images from the pilot to share with you today! Seven images to be exact that show off the cast in various situations that promises tension and action right off the bat. We had previously learned that the show is set to drop on March 21st, 2018, and will feature “two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet.” Outside of Kryptonian politics and family drama, the series is also set to feature the hero Adam Strange who warns Superman’s grandfather that “he’s under the clock to save his beloved world from chaos.”
As to the new photos from the show? Let’s take a quick look!
First up we can see Malcomson as Charys-El and Cameron Cuffe as Seg-El who is a young take on Superman’s grandfather.
Next up is a pretty close up of Cameron Cuffe as Seg-El who is looking quite serious:
Here is a much larger group shot which shows off Paula Malcomson as Charys-El, Nicholas Witham Mueller as Young Seg, Ian McElhinney as Val-El, and Gordon Alexander as Quex-Li.
In the fourth shot we have Ian McElhinney as Val-El who is looking to be sharing an important moment with who I can only guess is a Young Seg.
This shot of Ian McElhinney as Val-El has the elder with two guards behind him and I suspect things aren’t about to go well for him in this scene.
Is this a Kryptonian bar? This view of Rasmus Hardiker as Kem and Cameron Cuffe as Seg-El appear to have them watching something but with the drinks there it seems like a more relaxed atmosphere even with the serious look on their faces.
Finally, we have a shot of Aaron Pierre as Dev-Em and a guard behind him. Something is about to go down. Could this be who Kem and Seg-El are looking up at in the last scene?
Visually the show uses an interesting choice of colors and brightness which makes it look familiar and alien at the same time but in a way that probably helps the production’s budget.
Are you looking forward to Syfy’s take on Superman’s home world in ‘Krypton’? Which of the scenes above caught your interest the most? Are there any actors who you are excited to see in the series? Share your thoughts below!
Source: Spoiler TV