Nerdist has put together something great for us to celebrate the release of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘ and that is Kylo Ren in ‘Forceloose!’ This clearly is meant to bridge what Han Solo and Leia Organa’s son has been up to between the two films. To relieve the stress we see Ben living on the edge as only an 80s movie could provide, Kylo Re “shows off his fancy footwork and air guitar skills while channeling a 1984 era Kevin Bacon” in a full set of angry dancing.
Thankfully, no Porgs were injured during this dance routine.
You can check out Kylo in all his dancing glory in ‘Forceloose!’ right here!
Kylo Ren is channeling 1984 era Kevin Bacon in “Forceloose” the latest pop culture
musical parody from Nerdist; the same team that brought you Belle and Boujee,
Stranger in My Town, and That Spidey Life. “Forceloose” recreates the quintessential
cinematic combo of teen angst and dancing, only this time, Kylo Ren delivers the
frustrated footwork instead of a sweaty Kevin Bacon (aka Ren McCormack. See? Perfect).
The lyrics have a Star Wars upgrade too; come for the dancing Kylo, stay for the
dark sided deep cuts. “Foreloose” will teach you to never hide your dark side.
Okay, honestly, I was cracking up at the Stormtroopers at the end as their little side commentary was probably my favorite part. I’m just a little grateful that they didn’t include the Hot Yoga because I’m not sure anyone wants to see Kylo doing Downward Dog while sweating from the heat. Of course, if anything would motivate someone away from the Dark Side that could be it!
Did you get a kick out of Kylo Ren’s “Forceloose!”? Do you think he’ll be running through the same routine after the events of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ have played out this weekend? Share your thoughts below!