While shooting ‘The Last Jedi,’ director Rian Johnson took hundreds of pictures with his personal 35mm camera, a fact that many fans were made aware of when he displayed select shots at ‘Star Wars’ conventions or uploaded them to Instagram for fans to admire. However, there are many more than have not yet been seen. With that in mind, it appears that Johnson and Disney are going to be releasing an entire book full of photos from the set, a fact that Johnson discussed while speaking recently to the folks over at /Film. They discussed not only his plans to release the photos so other fans could enjoy his work, but also the impetus for why he took those photos and the unique access he had.
In Johnson’s words:
“Yeah, I had that camera on my shoulder the whole shoot. I literally took thousands of shots. So we’ve been already working and on Looper, I did the exact same thing, but I just did like a little book for the crew. Because this is what it is, I think we’re gonna put together a really nice book and put it out there maybe try and do like a little exhibit or something. We print them up big or something…It’d be fun. Yeah, they’re really there are some cool shots and it’s a nice like…It’s not even that they’re like great photos, it’s [unique] and that’s why I started doing it. I’m like the only person on set who’s not gonna get tackled if they take a picture of something sensitive. I can take a picture of anything I want. And I have this unique perspective of being right behind the camera for this whole process. So I don’t know, I think it’s interesting.”