By now, hopefully, you’ve seen the creepy first trailer for 20th Century Fox’s ‘New Mutants’. If not you can view it here.
Clearly, 20th Century Fox is getting bolder in their presentations of superhero films. While the core ‘X-Men’ movies tend to stick to the tried and true formula of heroes versus villains, in recent years, the studio has gotten bolder. ‘Deadpool’ was the first Marvel-based film to bear an R-rating for over-the-top violence, language and a healthy dose of nudity. Then came ‘Logan’, a deep journey that’s been described as a post-modern Western. Both were not only huge box office hits but graciously received by fans and critics. With ‘New Mutants’, Fox is once more journeying bravely into uncharted territory. While ‘New Mutants’ is based on a pretty straightforward superhero book, the film has taken a pretty all-in horror tone.
The question arises, though: Will Fox at some point bring their desperate brands together the way Marvel Studios is with next year’s ‘Avengers: Infinity War’? If so… how the hell would that work?
Boone admitted:
“I do think about these things because… ours is very different tonally from an X-Men movie and from Deadpool and all that. I find it interesting to imagine it… It’s not necessarily problematic, but more it’ll be interesting to see how they do actually do all that, if they make them be in the same film at the same time; it’ll be an interesting tonal palette.”
In other words… “Not my problem!” No, it’s good that Boone was given free reign to make the movie he wanted to. When it comes to these sorts of licensed properties, when the higher-ups get to involved, it tends to derail things (‘Fantastic Four’, ‘Suicide Squad’). When directors are allowed to tell the stories they want and craft the films they want, it winds up being a much more satisfying experience (‘Logan’, ‘Wonder Woman’).
But it appears, at least somewhat, that ‘Deadpool’ exists in a separate reality. He visits the same X-Mansion from the other films, but the Colossus that appears is completely a different character. The question is really, do these movies all NEED to intersect?
What do you think?
Directed by Josh Boone, ‘New Mutants’ stars Alice Braga, Charlie Heaton, Blu Hunt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams and Henry Zaga. The film will hit theaters on April 13, 2018.
Source: IGN