Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are eagerly awaiting Netflix’s next entry into the shared-universe: after four different series have featured a quartet of individual heroes (‘Daredevil,’ ‘Jessica Jones,’ ‘Luke Cage,’ and ‘Iron Fist‘), the streaming content giant will bring these characters together later this Summer in the much-anticipated series ‘The Defenders.’ It will certainly be interesting to see these varied heroes come together; much like their movie-screen counterparts The Avengers, so sit’s almost assured that personalities will clash, friendships will be tested, and personal philosophies on morality and brutality will not completely sync up with one another.
Marco Ramirez, one of the showrunners for ‘The Defenders,’ attempted to explain about the team dynamic, in a recent interview. When asked which character was the “leader” of the team, Ramirez waxed poetic a bit:
“There’s no official hierarchy, all that’s yet to be set. We get to lean into the messiness, and the haste, of these four all thrown together dealing and working professionally with each other.”
Ramirez went on to describe each of the four and their fighting style, as audiences will see them attempt to mesh together. Daredevil, he says, wants to end the fights as quickly and effectively as possible, so he wants every punch to be the last punch that needs thrown. About Luke Cage, Ramirez said:
“He’s the guy who will cover a child, he will use his body defensively.”
Jessica Jones also wants fights to be over as quickly and effectively as possible, and really doesn’t even enjoy the fact that she has to fight at all:
“That, as an attitude, is so much fun to watch once she’s fighting.”
Finally, Ramirez shared some insight on the fighting style of Iron Fist, the relative newcomer to the group and to superhero-ing in general:
“Danny Rand is kind of hot-headed, a little more naïve than the others. He’s very eager and gets himself into fights and bites off more than he can chew, a lot.”
It certainly sounds like there is the potential for fireworks – and not just necessarily for the bad guys!
‘The Defenders’ debuts its entire first season on Netflix on August 18, 2017, in the United States.
Tony Schaab wonders where Green Rangers come from – I guess if a Yellow Ranger and a Blue Ranger love each other very much… A lover of most things sci-fi and horror, Tony is an author by day and a DJ by night. Come hang out with Tony on Twitter or follow him on Facebook to hear him spew semi-funny nonsense and get your opportunity to finally put him in his place.