One of the big mysteries about Netflix’s upcoming ‘The Defenders‘ is who exactly is Sigourney Weaver’s Alexandra and how does she tie together all of our heroes. The answer may have accidentally come from costume designer Stephanie Maslansky in a recent interview when talking about the wardrobe choices. We’ve already known that The Hand would be involved in the upcoming season and now it seems as if Weaver’s character might be in charge of this shadowy ninja organization.
Not far off from what most of the Internet had already guessed but according to Maslansky:
“I think that she’s clearly a baddie, and she’s the head of an ancient organization which is grounded in the comics. I hope that her wardrobe reflects that kind of ancientness. I hope I haven’t said too much. I hope Marvel doesn’t come after me.”
While that doesn’t outright confirm that she’ll be in charge of The Hand and could even be in charge of another shadowy organization, the chances are that is what she’ll be in charge of. In the comics, The Hand has had multiple leaders over its long history and is currently run by Kingpin. However, there haven’t been any female leaders of The Hand who she might fit the bill for.
Which isn’t to say that a gender swap, promotion, or new character could be who they are using Weaver for.
Moving past that she also discussed the character color choices as their palettes were used both to set up ‘The Defenders’ as well as Alexandra:
“What’s interesting about these characters is that our first director [S.J. Clarkson], the director that did episodes 1 and 2 of ‘The Defenders,’ was able to — her idea was to really keep each superhero very distinct in terms of palette.
There was a palette component to [Alexandra’s] world too. I don’t really want to get into that, but you can draw your own conclusions from what you’ve seen. [There is] a lot of depth to her wardrobe. A lot of life or lives to her wardrobe, I wanna say.
Again, this doesn’t confirm that she is running The Hand, but it does seem to sound that way.
Who do you feel Alexandra will be when she debuts in ‘The Defenders’ Will this character run The Hand? Share your thoughts below True Believers!
Source: Screen Rant, IBT
Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!