It seems that Bryan Singer was especially chatty while recording the DVD commentary for ‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ which I would say is probably him trying to talk over the parts of his movie that just did not work, which unfortunately for this particular ‘X-Men’ film, was a good portion of the movie. Anyways, after the news recently confirming that Mister Sinister would be involved in ‘Wolverine 3,’ Singer also confirmed a powerful deleted scene that he had to cut from the woods scene where Magneto’s family dies in a tragic police accident. While cradling his dead daughter and wife, apparently Magneto originally recited a Polish lullaby to his fallen family, a moment which made all present while filming the scene very emotional. In Singer’s words from the commentary:
“It was one of the most beautiful things, and I cried at the monitors. [Co-producer Jason Taylor] grabbed a Kleenex; [Simon Kinberg], who very rarely shows emotion, [was] completely emotional. And I remember after the scene happened, Michael finished the scene, I walked across the woods, and I hugged him. And I held him and said, ‘Thank you for that gift. Now I need you to do it again [laughs].’ Because I have to move the cameras! He said, ‘Yeah, sure, no problem!’ And he did it again and it was amazing, and it broke my heart.”
As for why it was cut, Singer makes it sound like it was a little too emotional like he was trying too hard to get some feelings from the audience (which to be fair, I already felt about that particular scene, even without the lullaby), so he cut it from the film:
“In the scene individually it is heartbreaking. As the collected experience, when you watch it in the movie, it felt to the audience like you were pushing for too much emotion, like going too far. And so I cut the scene, but to this day it’s one of the most heartbreaking cuts and I owe Michael an email to explain why I made the cut, and it will be on the DVD.”
What do you think here? Is this a scene that would have made the movie better in your opinion? Or did the whole Magneto storyline already seem stilted and forced, and trying too hard for emotions (which is my opinion on the matter). Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: Cinema Blend