
The first international trailer for ‘Warcraft‘ brought us magic and the latest one gives us something a little darker to look at. With the release getting ever closer we should still have a few more previews before it drops on the big screen and the latest footage is really trying to show off the epic scale that the movie is looking to portray.

This one comes with a voice-over narration from Japan though subtitles do explain what is going on. Not to worry even if they weren’t there as we really don’t get much new on the plot end of the spectrum.

You can check out it for yourself below.

Once again we’re getting a trailer that really does a focus on the war, the special effects, and not too much of an explanation of the plot. For those of us looking to get a better feeling of the characters and storyline, it is time to once again be disappointed. While making a pile of money at the box office, ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ is being hailed by a dud due to the drop off of eyes after the opening weekend and the lack of a plot being shown so far will keep initial viewers out of the theater to begin with.

Seriously marketing folks, people want a plot to go with their eye candy and while I’m sure Duncan Jones will deliver just that you still need to tease a bit more of it to get us into the theaters in the first place. I’ve seen every trailer and teaser so far and honestly if I hadn’t been reporting on the film since it was first announced I probably couldn’t tell you a single character who has stuck out from it so far.

Are you looking forward to ‘Warcraft’? Do you think that it will suffer from poor marketing or does the film actually lack a solid plot? Share your thoughts below!


The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people and their home. So begins a spectacular saga of power and sacrifice in which war has many faces, and everyone fights for something.

‘Warcraft’ will be warring into theaters on June 10th, 2016!

Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!