Now that we’ve entered the final stretch of episodes for CW’s ‘Arrow‘ and ‘The Flash,’ the network is pulling out all the stops in their promotion of the both series, especially since we will be treated to another crossover event.
The promo below, features Oliver Queen basically inducting Barry Allen into their superhero fight club, where the Arrow and fellow heroes Arsenal and Black Canary battle it out against the likes of Ras Al Ghul, The Dark Archer, Captain Cold, Heat Wave, The Reverse Flash, and Firestorm (with the ATOM showing up late at the end, somehow not realizing there’s an elevator down to the arena even though, based on the woman in the elevator holding a “Palmer Technologies” box, this is clearly his building). It’s a fun promo, with clearly no basis in the reality of the show, but it is cool to see all of the big characters the DC CW Universe has brought to life (and this promo still didn’t feature everyone), and to see them all on-screen at the same time. It was almost like a live-action version of a ‘Street Fighter’ type video game starring the ‘Arrow’ and ‘Flash’ characters, which truth be told might be kind of fun to play.
At the end of the day, the promo does do an excellent job of getting me pumped for the rest of the season for both shows, and I appreciate the time and money that was spent to get the video ready. CW knows they have a rabid fan base, and its great PR for both shows to see little gems like this created for the fans.
What are your thoughts on the promo? Are you excited for another ‘Arrow’ / ‘The Flash’ crossover event? Let us know in the comments below!