In the consult for the country of Urkesh it is business as usual while a line of individuals applies for travel visas. No one grabs more attention than an elderly man who is met with hushed whispers and claims to want to return to Urkesh to die. A short time later, this same man passes away on a park bench, of seemingly natural causes.
Enter Henry, who doesn’t believe it for a second and begins to dive into the case despite the police being incredibly wary of creating an international incident. As it so happens, the victim is none other than Armen Arimov, the exiled King whose family was killed during a political upheaval when he was just a boy. Unsurprisingly, Henry has a personal connection to the case, having saved this man’s life on the Orient Express in 1955.
After an interview with the consults ambassador and the discovery of radiation on Armen, Henry and Jo follow a string of clues that lead them to discover Lydia, the illegitimate daughter of the King, thus giving a motive for his wife to have killed him. This is quickly disproven when she becomes a target herself, and it is only through Henry’s quick work that the poison is flushed from her system.
Due to a subtle tip of the hat by the ambassador, Detective Martinez and Henry are able to close in on the killer just as he puts Lydia and her own son in his crosshairs, obviously eager to end the entire royal bloodline once and for all.
The killer is eliminated after a shootout in darkened corridors, and Lydia, accompanied by Henry, is rushed to the hospital. History repeats itself in the fashion this show is so fond of… The family bonding ensues, and not just for this fractured royal family.
Abe, throughout all of these events, has been pursuing relatives of his own recently discovered family name, and uncovers a distant bloodline relation between himself and Henry. Connections continue to be made and steps towards progress inch forward slowly, but whether they will amount to anything substantial appears to be answers held back for another time.