Events open with Henry describing the line between pain and pleasure as a thin one. It is this theme the episode explores. Albeit, with extremely mixed results.
A composed business man is on the receiving end of some sadomasochism before ending up dead in an alleyway. While Henry deals with this case of a man who appeared to like it rough, events parallel with the return of Abraham’s twice-divorced wife, whom he still seems drawn to.
After examination of the crime scene and the body reveals little other than the victim’s name and cause of death, Detective Martinez interviews the deceased’s wife. She claims Richard was seeing a ‘domination therapist’ to help with a load of issues he had.
Martinez and Henry pay a visit to this woman, who so cleverly goes by the pseudonym, Iona Payne, and was the last to see the victim alive. Her interview reveals Henry missed a vital clue: Richard did not die by asphyxiation, but was electrocuted.
As the detectives dig through the trash near Iona’s office in hopes of finding the murder weapon, Henry pays her a visit. He ends up allowing Iona to give him a part of her so-called therapy, which puts him in an awkward position when Martinez arrives moments later to arrest Iona, having found a used cattle prod amongst the garbage.
While events escalate, Henry recalls what transpired to him in 1815… Shortly after his very first resurrection, he returned home to London and his loving wife. But things did not stay happy for long. Troubled by his new condition, he reveals his secret to her and ends up shipped off to Bedlam.
A second interview of Richard’s wife leads to the discovery that she was Iona’s mystery client, whom was seen at the same time of his death. This single fact rules both the wife and therapist free of any charges.
Grateful for his help, Iona gives Henry a kiss on the cheek and they part ways outside the police station. While on route to meet Abe and his ex for dinner, a black van screeches up to Henry and a man pops out with cattle prod in hand. With a quick jolt, Henry is carried off into the night.
With Henry’s absence, Abe becomes worried and puts in a call to Martinez. She takes a look outside the station and finds Henry’s watch lying next to the bike rack. Utilizing security footage, she sees Henry’s abduction and is able to match the assailant to someone she saw leaving Iona’s office upon their first visit there. Martinez questions Iona on this and is able to obtain the identity of this troubled client.
Meanwhile, Henry is shown bound and strapped, the assailant all prepared to deliver a slow and agonizing death. Henry attempts to use his deep rooted feelings of betrayal and pain to connect with his abductor, which buys him enough time for Martinez to come to his rescue.
Abe takes these occurrences as a sure sign he should remain with Henry, and refuses his ex-wife’s offer to rejoin her. On the other hand, Henry interprets the events as a reason to broaden his trust despite everything which has happened to him, and the episode closes with him finally spending time with Martinez and Lucas outside of work.
So concludes another episode of ‘Forever’ where things happen in a convoluted circle just to arrive at a saccharine ending that leaves none of the characters any more developed than they were at the start. It’s also further proof this show only plays to its strengths when it is delving into Henry’s condition and his developing relationship with the mysterious Adam.
Without those plot threads, the story is left to repeat the same cliché events again and again. And I’m pretty sure none of us viewers have requested the television show equivalent of a ‘domination therapist’.