After an emotionally devastating season, it’s pretty weird for a Saturday to roll around and not have a brand new episode of ‘Doctor Who’ for us to watch. On top of that, Whovians are keenly aware that both showrunner Steven Moffat and the Twelfth Doctor himself Peter Capaldi will be departing the seminal sci-fi series after this year’s Christmas special. However, goodbyes don’t always last for Team TARDIS. Former companions and foes alike often cross paths with the legendary Time Lord over and over again. I mean, just look at how many times The Doctor has dealt with the Daleks or the Cybermen. So despite the events of ‘World Enough And Time’ and ‘The Doctor Falls’, does that mean that we might see The Master again down the line? While the answer may be yes, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he (or she) will be played by a familiar face.
During a recent interview with Doctor Who Magazine (courtesy of Doctor Who TV), John Simm weighed in on whether he’d object to yet another go as the NuWho version of the classic villain that was best known for terrorizing David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor before causing trouble for Twelve in the two-part Season Ten finale. After sharing his displeasure with BBC for spoiling his return to the show back in April, Simm turned to an old adage that perfectly captures the unpredictability of the long-running British show:
“You know what, I don’t know. I mean, I wouldn’t have thought in a million years that I’d be back [in 2017], yet here I am talking about it, so never say never. This thing called ‘Doctor Who’ is a machine that just sort of goes on its own. It’s got its own rules. And if they want you back, then great. I would definitely think about it. Will they ask? I doubt it. But I don’t know. I mean, I’m very, very lucky to have worked with two Doctors. Two brilliant, brilliant actors. So if not, I will count myself blessed to have been asked back; to have played him these two times. That’s wonderful. And we shall see. Who knows? Yeah, never say never. That’s very true.”
But let’s not forget what happened on the last episode of ‘Doctor Who’. In case you missed it, Simm’s Master seemingly dealt a fatal blow to Missy, who happens to be his next regeneration. On most shows, that would certainly mean the end of a character’s run. Although, since time is all wibbly wobbly and time whimey, you really never know who or what The Doctor could encounter next.
Case in point: The Twelfth Doctor will be going on an adventure with the First Doctor this Christmas. Considering that William Hartnell has been dead since 1975, the possibility of this happening likely hadn’t crossed anyone’s mind, but here we are. So as Simm says, never say never with this show because as we’ve seen time and time again, anything is possible with The Doctor.
Would you like to see John Simm reprise his role as The Master on ‘Doctor Who’ for the third time? If it does end up happening, how do you think his presence will be explained? And who are some other characters that you would like to see return for another adventure in the TARDIS? Let us know in the comments below.