If Obi Wan taught us anything it’s that a Jedi isn’t strong in the force without his beard and Mark Hamill is showing off what he’ll look like as an older Luke Skywalker! We’ve seen him growing one for quite some time now and finally it appears ready! Not only that, but he also shows off the ‘VII’ set logo for the next ‘Star Wars‘ film! Busy at work on the Pinewood Studios set, Hamill took a moment to pose for ‘Hannibal‘ showrunner Bryan Fuller!

Here, I’ll show it off before going any further because honestly you probably just want to see what Old Luke is going to look like.

Now imagine that mug with a Jedi robe and a mechanical hand!

With production having gone on a two-week hiatus from Harrison Ford tripping over the Millennium Falcon, it was recently announced that filming would begin again this month. If the photo above is any indication, they are already starting to prepare for that to happen! Adding in Ford’s appearance at the premiere for ‘The Expendables 3’ on Monday where he was apparently in good health would lead us to believe that the filming is starting sooner than later.

Not that there is much time left in the month at this point.

While we’re not fully sure if Ford is heading back to London to rejoin the production at this time, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were still moving some scenes around to accommodate for his recovery.

What do you think of Luke Skywalker’s new beard? Do you think he’s growing it for fashion, a disguise, a tribute, or just because beards are awesome? Share your thoughts below!

‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ starring John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker premieres on December 18, 2015.

Sources: Comic Book Movie, The Hollywood Reporter.