During the first season of ‘Arrow’, the popular CW superhero series introduced a new take on the classic Green Arrow foe Count Vertigo. Played by ‘Fringe’ alum Seth Gabel, the Count was transformed from Eastern European royalty that messed with people’s balance to the mastermind behind the latest pills to hit the streets of Starling City called Vertigo. After being locked up following his first encounter with the Emerald Archer, the Count resurfaced in season two and met his ultimate demise at the hands of Oliver Queen in order to save Felicity from being injected with a new form of the drug. However, it appears that someone else will be stepping into the mantle of Count Vertigo during the upcoming third season.
Recently, it was announced that Devon Aoki and Karl Yune would be joining Stephen Amell in the flashbacks to Ollie’s time in Hong Kong as Tatsu Yamashiro (aka Katana) and her husband Maseo. Now, it sounds like the series has added an adversary for Team Arrow in the current timeline as Peter Stormare of ‘Prison Break’ and ‘The Blacklist’ has joined the cast as well. According to TV Guide, the new Count Vertigo’s secret identity is Werner Zytle, which indicates that the successor to fallen drug lord is based on DC Comics’ New 52 version of the character. Although, no further details beyond a name are given, so based on how the show has handled these characters in the past, it’s hard to tell how faithful they’ll stay to the source material. But what the report does say is that the supervillain will be the first one to take on the Arrow when the show returns in the fall.
What do you think about Peter Stormare appearing as the new Count Vertigo on ‘Arrow’? How close do you think the character will resemble it’s New 52 counterpart? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below.
‘Arrow’ starring Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy, Colton Hayes, Caity Lotz, Willa Holland, and John Barrowman returns to The CW on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 8:00pm.