Just when you thought your wallet was safe… Toy News Tuesday strikes again! Welcome back to an all new edition of (what we’re kind of hoping is) your favorite weekly column here at Science Fiction! For all you newcomers, Toy News Tuesday is a weekly publication where our very own toy-guru Jordan DesJardins gets you up to speed on all the cool happenings going on throughout the wonderful world of the toy industry! Every week we’ve got all sorts of new announcements and big reveals to keep you informed on all of the toy news you need to know! It doesn’t matter if you’re a hardcore collector or only a little curious what kind of stuff is on the market these days, Toy News Tuesday is here to give you your weekly fix of online toy media! Let’s take a look at what’s going on for the week of April 29th, 2014!
Even More Timey-Wimey Titans Coming
While the first few waves of Titans Merchandise’s Doctor Who Blind-Box figures have been a smash hit, the fans have been demanding further expansions of the line! Titan Merchandise seems pretty eager to comply with fans wishes as they’ve announced even further expansion of the Gallifrey Colleciton’s next wave by adding fan favorite companion Rose Tyler and a few others from the 10th Doctors Era. While Titan recently released an ‘all Doctors’ wave that featured the first eleven incarnations of The Doctor himself in mini-figure form, the majority of the currently released figure waves have consisted of Matt Smith era (The Eleventh Doctor) figures with a few random Tenth Doctor era characters sprinkled into the mix. The next wave looks to be by and large Tenth Doctor era exclusively, featuring many characters that primarily appeared during that version of the characters run like fan faovrite companions Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness, as well as K9 and the John Simms version of The Master! The full release from Titan Merchandise is below:
“Celebrate the world’s favorite space-and-time-traveling adventurer with the latest range of TITANS from Titan Entertainment – a multiverse of figures to collect!
Since we first started our Doctor Who TITANS all that time ago, fans have been requesting one figure more than any other, we received emails, tweets, requests at every show we displayed at – and we listened (also we really wanted to do it, because we’re massive fans too). There were rumors she was trapped in a parallel universe, possibly lost forever, but thanks to some Gallifreyan technology and a particularly clever Time Lord we can now proudly reveal – Rose Tyler is confirmed for the TITANS Gallifrey Collection!
Due for release alongside the 10th Doctor, K9, The Master and more, the Bad Wolf herself – as memorably portrayed by Billie Piper – will be available as a 3” blind boxed figure as designed by superstar artist Matt Jones aka Lunartik! Due late August”
(via AFI)
Doomsday Bound to Hit Sooner Rather Than Later
While Mattel’s highly acclaimed DC Universe Classics toyline is finally coming to an end, with only a few online exclusive figures remaining to be released before it finally closes out for good, fans still have plenty of awesome figures to look forward to as the line reaches it’s death rattles! The crew over at Action Figure Insider has received an EXCLUSIVE first look at the all new SDCC Exclusive ‘Doomsday Bound’ figure that Mattel will be offering in July at San Diego Comic Con! This figure is based on the initial appearance of Doomsday when he first appeared in the comics, wearing a large green containment suit! This is the creature that managed to kill Superman, so the character deserves a massive amount of respect, and Mattel looks to have given him the plastic treatment he deserves! Flat out, this figure looks phenomenal! Be sure to check out the full gallery over at AFI just to see how massive this figure is!
Final Product: Hot Toys General Zod
While the film this figure is based on has been released already for some time, fans have still been clamoring for this epic plastic rendition of Superman’s nemesis General Zod from last summer’s ‘Man of Steel’ to hit shelves. Luckily for everyone, the wait will be over shortly, as the figure is expected to release sometime in the next few weeks! Hot Toys has posted a large gallery of final product images over on their Facebook page to give fans a look at what they can expect to see when they pick up this figure!
The only thing I’m noticing that stands out about this figure is the angry, frustrated yelling look on his face. Many Hot Toys figures have alternate heads or faces, and it’s kind of surprising that this character was only given the option of ‘yelling’ or ‘helmet’. Still, he looks pretty fantastic.
First Look: Hot Toys Rhino
While we’re already on the subject of Hot Toys, lets take a look at their all new 1/6th scale The Rhino figure from ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’! This figure is MASSIVE and highly detailed! It also gives us a much better look at The Rhino’s new movie look than we’ve had yet! Even in the film itself, he moves around so much and so fast that it’s hard to keep up with him sometimes to get a look at just how detailed he really is! This figure really takes the cake! The full release from Hot Toys is below:
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has swung into action and already started to hit theatres around the world!
There are a number of deadly foes out to catch the spider in the action packed movie, and Hot Toys is delighted to share with you today some looks of the Rhino battling our favorite wall-crawler! The prototype of the gigantic Rhino will be shown for the first time worldwide at the “Marvel Sapiens” Exhibition hosted at Hot Toys’ flagship store in Tokyo, Japan from tomorrow until May 11!”
Minimates Galore
As a guy who is probably too obsessed with Minimates for my own good, I am utterly speechless after all the huge Minimate announcements this week! After months of next to no news regarding upcoming waves of new figures, Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum have dropped a massive bombshell of new product all at once across the various corners of the internet! Here’s what we’ve gathered so far:
Amazing Spider-Man 2
With ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ already dominating the box-office overseas and opening in the US in just a few short days, it’s a huge surprise that we haven’t heard more about these all new Minimates based on the film before now! This movie is receiving what I’m going to refer to as ‘the royal treatment’, in the sense that it’s getting not one, but TWO assortments of new Minimates! The assortment is going to be based on where you shop.
Specialty stores that order through Diamond Distributors will be receiving one assortment of figures, while Toys R Us will receive it’s own exclusive version of this new wave of figures! The specialty store case mix includes Battle-Damaged Spider-Man with Electro, Spider-Man with Green Goblin, Peter Parker with Gwen Stacy, and Alistair Smythe with Aleksei Sytsevich, while the Toys R Us exclusive wave is set to include Battle-Damaged Spider-Man with translucent Electro, Spider-Man with grinning Green Goblin, and Flashback Spider-Man with Max Dillon!
(via Mtv)
Deadly Foes of Spiderman Minimates
Since Spider-Man seems the be the big hero this summer (well, to be fair, I’m sure Captain America is at least on par as far as popularity this year), DST and Art Asylum are giving fans even more of what they want in the form of an online retailer exclusive Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Minimates box set! The box set, which is exclusive to Luke’s Toy Store, will contain all new versions of previously released characters based on their classic comic book looks. In this set we’ll be seeing Doctor Octopus, Carnage, The Lizard, and The Sandman! Almost all of these characters have been on many collector’s wish lists of ‘re-do’ figures that were in need of a major update, so it looks like DST and Art Asylum are paying attention to your requests people! This set is up for pre-order already and expected to release in September.
More ‘Best Of’ Marvel Minimates
Keeping the ball rolling, DST and Art Asylum revealed an all new wave of Marvel ’Best Of’ Minimates to be released this summer! These ‘Best Of’ waves give fans a chance to play ‘catch u[\p’ on various important characters that they may have missed out on the first time around, while also giving these figures updates to make them worthwhile for long time collectors to pick up as well! Here’s the full release from the Marvel website:
“The best Marvel Minimates Diamond Select Toys has ever made are back for a third series! Four more two-packs of Marvel’s most famous heroes get the ultimate Minimate treatment, including Marvel Now Captain America with Modern Spider-Man, Transforming Grey Hulk with Extremis Iron Man, Classic Hawkeye with Lab Coat Ant-Man and Luke Cage Power Man with Iron Fist!
Each Minimates mini-figure stands 2 inches tall with 14 points of articulation and features a variety of interchangeable parts and accessories. Change Luke Gear from street gear to hero gear, transform Ant-Man into a lab coat-wearing Hank Pym and remove Grey Hulk’s bulked-up parts to reveal an enraged Bruce Banner! Designed and Sculpted by Art Asylum!”
Walking Dead Minimates
DST and Art Asylum gave the crew over at Daily Dead an EXCLUSIVE first look at the all new Wave 6 of Walking Dead Minimates based on the critically acclaimed zombie themed comic series! As usual, the lineup contains a solid mix-up of human survivor characters and zombies. I will say though, it’s a little bit disconcerting that we’re getting so many repeat characters in this line when we’re only on the sixth wave of figures! We’ve got something like 4 Michones now, and I’ve lost count of Ricks. The full release from DST is below:
“A Diamond Select Toys Release! Welcome to the Community! The sixth series of Minimates mini-figures based on the best-selling Walking Dead comic book series brings the cast to the walled compound that would become their home following the fall of the prison. Two-packs include Constable Rick with Douglas, Carl with Burning Zombie, Constable Michonne with Winter Zombie and a rare, one-per-case variant set of Party Dress Michonne with Winter Zombie. Each Minimate mini-figure stands approximately 2 inches tall and features a variety of interchangeable parts and accessories. Designed by Art Asylum!”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
While there hasn’t been a whole lot of information released detailing exactly what’s going on with this line, DST and Art Asylum were showing off these sweet new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minimates this past weekend at C2E2! They look to be based off of the look of the current CGI Animated series airing on Nickelodeon. Revealed figures include the four turtles themselves, as well as April O’neal, The Shredder, Foot Soldiers and Krang-Bots. Hopefully we’ll be seeing more information soon about this exciting new Minimate line!
X-Men Days of Future Past
While the movie won’t be getting any real full sized toyline, DST and Art Asylum have got fans covered when it comes to ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ with yet another all new wave of Minimates figures! This new wave of figures is set to include four sets of two figures each, including Future Professor X with Past Magneto, Future Magneto with Past Mystique, Future Wolverine with Future Storm, and Past Logan with Past Charles Xavier. I’m kind of hoping we’ll be getting at least one more wave of characters from this film, but I’m highly doubting it. Kind of bummed that of only eight figures being released, six of them are repeat characters! The only characters not getting two new figures in this series are Mystique and Storm (fun fact, we actually already have a movie-styled Storm too, thanks to the X-Men 3 wave a few years back).
(via MTV)
Marvel Select Mystique Takes Shape
This past weekend at C2E2, DST was showing off a ton of their upcoming product, and that includes a never before seen movie-style Mystique figure from Marvel Select based on her look from ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’! Much like with the previously mentioned TMNT Minimates, there aren’t many details as far as this figure goes. It’s still pending licensor approval, so the version that eventually gets released to the market could potentially look VERY different than the one we’re seeing here. Either way, it’s certainly a nice surprise!
Funko Previews Game Of Thrones Legacy Series 2
Winter is Coming! Well, actually we just got through winter, and spring is here! Whether you love it or hate it, it’s pretty obvious Game or Thrones is a pop-culture phenomenon that is here to stay! Funko recently released some brand new preview images of their upcoming Game of Thrones Legacy Series 2 figures! This second wave follows just behind the highly praised first wave that was release in February of this year. This second assortment of figures is set to include Jamie Lannister, Daenerys Targaryan, Khal Drogo, Arya Stark, Rob Stark, and Brienne of Tarth! Expect these to hit in the near future!
(via AFI)
Funko’s Sharknado POP! Storms Shelves
“LOOK OUT! SHARK! AHH! TORNADO! AHHH SHARKNADO!!!” Yes, as hard as it may be to admit, ‘Sharknado’ is totally a thing that happened. Last summer, the direct-to-television film ‘Sharknado’ blew audiences away in an absurd bloodbath that left viewers wondering if they would ever actually be safe from Sharks anywhere on the planet (I highly doubt it, considering the sequel, “Sharknado 2: The Second One” is coming along in July)! Now Funko is bringing the titular villain (kind of?) into plastic form with their all new Sharknado Funko POP! vinyl figure! Expect this guy to be available this June!
Funko Deathstroke Terminating Your Collection
With Deathstroke the Terminator starring as one of the lead villains of The CW’s Arrow, it makes perfect sense that fans would be begging for more Slade merchandise! Well the wait is over, because Funko just announced an all new Deathstroke Funko POP! Vinyl figure! This figure is set to be a Previews exclusive, meaning that he will be available exclusively through specialty shops that order through Diamond Distribution. Expect this guy to fly off of shelves, as an exclusive AND a fan favorite, he won’t be sitting in stores very long!
Well folks, that’ll about do it for this week’s edition of Toy news Tuesday! With all these great new Minimates, POP! Vinyle figures and Hot Toys coming, it’s going to be a rough couple of months on collectors wallets for sure! Were you planning on picking up any of the cool new stuff we mentioned in this week’s column? Which pieces? Let us know in the comments section below! Until next week, happy toy hunting! Cheers!