Principle filming of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘ has wrapped, but the movie still has months of post-production before it’s ready to be unleashed on the public. However, one actor still has a ways to go. It appears that beyond simply voicing the living tree Groot, Vin Diesel is providing a motion capture performance, as he was spotted stomping around on a pair of high tech stilts, in order to emulate his CGI character’s seven and a half foot stature.
The actor was actually filmed on the set of the seventh ‘The Fast & the Furious’ movie, so it appears that he’s squeezing in his Groot sessions in between scenes for his “bread and butter” franchise.
The actor has been dodgy about his involvement in the Marvel film for a few months now. He wouldn’t even confirm that he was voicing Groot initially. In the video, Diesel confirms that he only speaks one line in the film, which, if you read the comics, you should know is “I am Groot.” (I’m sure there are different enunciations.) Having him provide a motion capture performance at least enhances the CGI character and gives fans more of an actual “performance.” [At one point in the video, Andy Serkis’ name (‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’, ‘The Hobbit’) pops up.]
You can watch the actor prepping for his role in the video below:
Vin Diesel may not be a guaranteed box office draw, but the man certainly has a fan base. The last ‘Fast & The Furious” movie made nearly $900 million dollars worldwide. ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘ may be the toughest sell of any Marvel movie thus far, as its characters are largely unknown and it doesn’t appear that it will have any connection to ‘The Avengers’ or any other established franchise.
So do you think Diesel can help draw an audience to this untested franchise?
‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ hits theaters on August 1st, 2014. It is directed by James Gunn and features an all-star cast including Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, Benicio Del Toro, John C. Reilly and Glenn Close.
Source CinemaBlend