‘Glee’ alum, Grant Gustin, who portrayed the Warbler Sebastion on the Fox series, has landed the role of Barry Allen, who will eventually become known as The Flash on The CW’s hit superhero show ‘Arrow.’ While attending The Hollywood Reporter’s Nominees and TV’s New Season pre-Emmys party, he took a few minutes to discuss his upcoming role.
“I’m kind of running around a little bit, but mostly just for fun at this point. Just because I’m really excited…I’m a little fanboy. I’m so excited to be a part of the show. I got an audition and I was really excited and a little skeptical at first, because I’m a comic book fan. I know the character and know I’m a little young.”
He does state that the audition process was long, but described how he reacted to learning that he had the role. “I was at the ocean in Malibu with a buddy of mine and just had a movie moment and jumped in the ocean afterwards. It was pretty amazing.”
Gustin has not yet read the scripts for the episodes he will appear in. “I know I’m coming on as up-and-coming in my field,” referring to Barry Allen’s career as a forensic scientist, “He’s not going to be The Flash immediately, obviously.”
Allen will appear on two episodes, before returning as The Flash later. “We’re going to be Barry Allen first in two episodes and then he’ll come back later as The Flash. I haven’t actually had a chance to read any scripts yet, so we’ll see.”
In doing his research, Gustin discovered new things about the hero he will be portraying. “I didn’t realize before I started doing all my research that he can actually time travel, he can run so fast. I think that’d be a really fun thing to play with on the show is him kind of going to different times and experimenting with that. That’d be fun.”
And as far as how the hero will appear on camera? “I would image, when The Flash comes he’ll be in a pretty traditional Flash costume. That’s kind of what I’ve caught wind of.” (But does it fit inside a small ring?)
I only know of Gustin’s work from ‘Glee’ and his character on that show was anything but a hero. So it should be interesting to see what he does with the role of Barry Allen.
So what do you think? Will Gustin make a good Scarlet Speedster? Feel free to comment below!
Source: E! Online