As someone who is overly excited about the upcoming second film in the trilogy, ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug‘ I won’t lie – I’m eating up everything that comes up about the movie.
What we have here isn’t from the film. It has to do with the movie tie-in book that has just come out. That’s close enough to me, though, and aside from one potential spoiler these are all a free for all to see. (If you are worried about a spoiler I would avoid the last image of the six and what I have to say about them after the images.
In the first picture we see an action posed shot of Tauriel ready to let loose an arrow in your direction (since she’s an elf, clearly if she wants it to land it will). Secondly we have a good overall shot of many of the main characters including: Gandalf, Bilbo, Thorin, Tauriel, Legolas and Thranduil. All of the dwarves are there too, of course, but really the focus should be Bilbo and his ‘What the hell is coming at me’ look! Third up is Tauriel and Legolas with knives drawn looking to go stabby stabby on something. Forth and fifth are both shots of Bard the Bowman (who received one shot too many in these if you ask me).
Finally the 6th shot. This is the potential spoiler shot. Earlier this month we showed you a ‘The Desolation of Smaug’ promo shot that showed our group of heroes in barrels going down the river having apparently been attacked by someone while making an escape. In the novel their escape was rather uneventful. In the first promo image we’ve seen it looks like they had come under fire. In this new image from the book, it would appear that they are under attack by elves. Legolas to be specific. Is he attacking them or is he trying to shoot at whoever is? It’s hard to say at this point.
None the less, these images are a welcomed distraction as we wait for the film to arrive in theaters on December 11.
Source: The One Ring.