This is the first issue not illustrated at all by either of this title’s founding artists, George Perez and Kevin Maguire.  We do still get three different artists though, Ken Lashley, Barry Kitson and Robson Rocha.  I’m not sure why DC is so slavishly devoted mixing up the art on this book.  It works brilliantly when it’s one artist changing up their style, like J.H. Williams III on Batwoman, but for whatever reason, it’s not winning me over on this book.  I will say though that these three artists mesh better than Perez and Maguire, who are both brilliant, but whose work simply did not compliment each another’s.

Kitson’s work always delivers.  I’m a fan and he sort of steps in as Maguire’s replacement, since both have a clean, pretty style.  Ken Lashley is not an artist I know by name, but his work is nicely gritty and fluid.  He draws Huntress’ solo scenes and is a perfect fit.  I really loved his work here.  Robson Rocha’s art impressed me the least.  It certainly isn’t bad, but it is a bit awkward at points.

As far as the story, Michael Holt, Mister Terrific, appears to have returned after seemingly vanishing off the face of the Earth (which is exactly what happened, when he was teleported to Earth 2).  Huntress seeks to discover who is selling what appears to be Apokoliptian technology on Earth.  Strangely, everything leads back to Holt Industries, which Huntress attempts to break into again, this time with more success than last.  That’s not to say total, though.  Later, the ladies attend a party where Karen is supposedly reunited with Michael Holt.  There’s another New Gods reveal, but it happens on the last page, so I won’t say any more about it.

The art is nice and suits the book a LOT more than Perez and Maguire’s.  I honestly think they should just hand the art chores over to one illustrator though and my choice of these three would be Lashley.  Mixing up artists just makes it inconsistent.

The writing is okay.  I wish I could be more enthusiastic, but this book has, from day one, just been okay.  It doesn’t wow me.  I love these two characters and they are both handled well.  Their dialogue is good, but the plot is always a snooze.

Obviously something big is ramping up with all the Apokolips references here and in Earth 2, Wonder Woman and Superman.  Maybe that will jazz things up, but unfortunately, as is, this book is average at best.


Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Ken Lashley, Barry Kitson and Robson Rocha
Cover by Barry Kitson and Hi-Fi